Year 2, Week 49: At Least I Have a Cody

For whatever reason, it’s been really tough getting back in the swing of things with Cody after my Montana trip this year. Last year, we fell right back into being love birds and enjoying each other’s company after so much time apart. I had come back super rejuvenated and ready to tackle on whatever summer projects came my way, but this year after the 10-day excursion, I was beat and needed extra love and attention.

Unfortunate for present Ania but great for Future Ania and Cody, Cody’s TLC was going towards his baby side-business. While I was gone, there was no one to remind him that night-time meant sleepy-time and so it was a free-for-all and he had tons of momentum on his side from productive nights and busy days.

Present Ania does not like this momentum, however, because somehow this man’s incredible work ethic avoided the laundry machine. This meant he didn’t do 10-days worth of laundry. And I just brought all of my dirty clothes home.

I put on my patient face and calmly asked through gritted teeth why.
He very nicely reminded me that he hates doing the laundry. And, by the way, his white t-shirts are running low.

And then I won the day because I simply blinked instead of throwing a pan  (lovingly) at his face and avoided telling him that adulthood is basically doing all the things you hate. But then I realized I’d sound bitter and would probably be taken in by police for questioning for claims of assault and battery (again – ask me about this when I’m drunk) and I’m trying to be a more positive person.

I did the laundry this week (because someone was running low on white t-shirts) and Cody even helped fold it. How nice.

I feel like he’s going to grumble (and I wouldn’t be playing fair) if I didn’t point out that he did clean up the living room and put some of the not-put-away clothes from TWO WEEKS AGO in the closet, so I can’t say he didn’t contribute to the housekeeping cause. I think there were even some washed dishes in there. I know he helped clean the cupboards a bit and ate some more peanut butter. It was expiring*.

I write this with dripping sarcasm and hyperbole because it’s fun, and because Cody really does hate doing the laundry. I’m actually proud of him for sticking to his convictions. I married a man of steel will and commitment. Not many wives can say the same.

In all seriousness, this is something of an unwritten agreement between us: he washes my gross leftover tupperware containers and any pots and pans with beans in them, and I take one for the team and do all the laundry.**

Ready for the exhaustingly positive twist that I’m about to whip out? I can’t really truly complain because at least I have a Cody to yell at about laundry, and I’m more grateful that he’s alive and breathing.

I just wish he’d use that breath to do laundry more than once a year.

Maybe that’ll be my anniversary gift this year.


*ten years from now, because if Cody were Chuck Norris, he’d eat the peanut butter before it was even a tree. Peanuts grow on trees, right? This is summertime, what I am doing thinking?

**…Does this now make it a written agreement? Did I just screw myself? Or is this a win? I hate washing beans from things. Gross.

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