Year 2, Week 48: “I Know! That’d be a way better story!”

I’m on a school trip away from Cody for ten days, chaperoning eight high schoolers with three other adults. But there’s only one day that was severely testing my patience and eternal optimism.

I’ll only tell you about the relevant instances of this day though.

I was walking across the schoolyard (with gravel beneath my feet rather than wood-chips or astroturf for preschoolers) and kept my eyes down to see where I was going. Gravel or no gravel, my balance is something that I can never fully rely on, so I kept peripheral vision near the southern hemisphere. This was a mistake as I walked – no, escorted – my forehead into the horizontal monkey bar. This hurt.

I iced it and survived.

But then my sunglasses broke. Out of nowhere. But cleanly, so “they didn’t feel a thing,” as one colleague stated. This made me sad, especially because I knew I’d really need shades for our hikes and I didn’t know where to acquire a pair of new ones on the Native American reservation we were on that week.

Later, the students asked me if I was okay because they can be sweet when they want to be and I simply responded, “I wish my sunglasses had broken when I had walked into the pole. That’d be a way better story.” The kids looked at me like I was crazy, but I meant what I said. I’m an English major – I have a desire for all the symbols crashing into meaning at once. In this case, my glasses breaking were a symbol of the lack of eyesight that led my face to become best friends with metal.

But I digress. Congrats to those still reading. You’re the real MVP, and I’m a real rambler.

SO when I talked to Cody later to tell him about my ‘bad’ day, he asked, “Did you break your glasses walking into the pole?” And as much as I wanted to lie and say yes, all I could do was grin at his response. He’s my guy because he completely gets what makes sense to me (us).

And if this doesn’t make any sense to you, well, I guess that’s the point.

Year 2, Week 47: Helen and the Hell Hole, or “Laughter Makes Everything Better”

I didn’t think I’d ever be the wife who calls (yells) for her husband because of an insect. The sister of three older brothers, I thought I was pretty toughened up with the regular Joe household ants, spiders, and flies.

But then I moved to a garden apartment in a new neighborhood and witnessed my bravery decrease with every increase of size in creepy crawlers.

I was right to yell and scream with the surprise flights of a bat in our apartment a few years ago. And I was right to shriek with a roach in my bathroom – my sanctuary after long days. But nothing prepared me for the scuttle of pure evil that would shock me as I sat on the toilet or sleepily walked out of the bathroom to start my day.

After Cody realized that my reactions were not silly or hyperbolic, we got down to business. Much of our coping skills rely on our sense of humor. So here’s a log of our experiences.

Tuesday: What the hell is this thing with legs, a hard shell, and a sense of foreboding? Is this one of the seven plagues? Were the Mayans right and this is how we experience Armageddon?

Thursday: “…Cody?” my voice shook calling him –“Cody..!” — as I saw the damn thing in the bathtub. Again. Bless his heart, Cody ran in like I was dying. I mean, I was, but it’s nice he thought I really was helpless. Once he caught the thing, we thought about flushing Satan’s spawn down the toilet but then realized we were probably actually just going to be saving its life by letting it back into the Hell Hole from which it came (and giving it an amazing hero story to tell its friends), and neither of us is that compassionate, so into the trash it went. We decided on the way to work that the bug’s name was Helen (since she was from the Hell Hole) and we would pray for the repose of her soul (or for the creation of it, since it’s possibly she never had one to begin with).

Update Friday after school, when the Universe is supposed to give teachers a break:

Sent to Cody via Google hangouts, “I think just killed Helen’s grandfather, the leader of the mob.
He had antennae the length of California and could barely move. I think he had a broken hip. He scared the s*** out of me because he snuck up by my foot while I was on the toilet.
I am traumatized for life.”

Update, Saturday morning: Helen’s family likes honey and/or pomegranate pizazz tea. We left a mug on our living room floor that had dried tea leaves on the inside of the mug (don’t judge – what is a home for if you can’t leave things for yourself on the floor and trust it’ll still be there in morning?). This morning, Helen’s Godmother was found enjoying the rest of the tea I thought I finished. Now I can’t get the image out of my head of this bug having a freaking field day outside our bedroom while we were innocently sleeping. It’s important to note that this bug was harder to kill. It was faster than Helen’s godfather was and almost escaped. Note to self: If I want to win a 5k, drink more pomegranate pizzaz tea with honey.

But really, I can’t even open the bathroom door without having a semblance of a panic attack. I think it’s time to call the exterminator.

May 20, 9:35 AM
Update: Cody hugged me after calling the exterminator and told me he’s happy that we’re in this together. I don’t have the heart to tell him that when the Oriental roaches mobilize and demand a human sacrifice, it won’t be me going into the hell hole. Sorry, baby. Love you forever.

Laughter makes everything better.

P.S. I’m not attaching any pictures because I care for your psyche. You’re welcome.

Year 2, Week 46: Low Expectations and Lots of Grace

At the beginning of any potential relationship, I take my sweet time. I meticulously observe the person I’m getting to know and wonder how their character will manifest itself in the variety of environments we might be in together. I started this very deliberately in high school. The girl who became my maid of honor was a volleyball try-out friend first, then a classroom partner, then a lunchroom buddy, and then a best friend. Our relationship grew slowly, but intentionally. I talked, and Kristen listened. And then she talked, and I practiced listening better. Kristen was with me every step of the way during my long-distance relationship with Cody, and she always supported me, even if she thought I was being crazy. She let it all out during her speech at the wedding though, so I think we’re even now.

I always told myself my high expectations for people was a great thing. I told myself I was doing this meticulous character inspection because I was a smart girl and smart girls have high expectations. I enforced these high expectations and reaped some benefits: a few amazing friends and a stellar husband. And then I found the flaw in this approach when it didn’t work out in my favor.

According to the old adage, I am who my friends are. So, if I was a stubborn ninny who immediately gave up on someone once they showed a weakness and flaw in character, so would my friends. One of my dearest friends has become a stranger to me because we do not yet have the grace to forgive each other and move on. But this is a blog about wife reflections and not friend problems, so let’s get to the point.

This high expectations approach might work in attaining the type of person you want as a life partner, but it no longer works if you want to stay married.

I mess up on a daily basis. Despite my manicured, witty performances outside of the home, I say the wrong things and show my flaws recklessly. When it comes to Public Ania and Cody’s Ania, Cody’s Ania is a lot messier, way more insecure, selfish, and needy. By the end of the day, I really do wonder how such a good guy like Cody would want to stay with me, one who has so much to work on? But let’s be real – despite all these hiccups, I still expect him to breathe and understand. He vowed to stick around through thick and thin, right? I’m not as thin as I was in high school, and I’m layered in complexes and anxieties galore. But he still loves me, and that expectation is embossed on solid foundation.

BUT here’s the twisted part. When he has his own slip up, I get upset, wonder what I was thinking seven years ago, and find it difficult to award the same grace and forgiveness. It’s a terrible double-standard and I’ve been working on this since the beginning of our relationship.

When I maintain these almost too-difficult and too-high expectations for my husband, I am not allowing him to be his true, flawed, perfect self. It’s true when they say that there really is no perfect person – just the person you choose to love despite those quirks. Shoot, you even learn to find the quirks endearing (see Bridget Jones’ Diary for an example).

I’ve decided this week that, if I keep my expectations lower, I’m way less disappointed, much more delighted when things go well, and able to focus more on how I’m giving to the relationship and less on what I’m not getting. To be clear, this doesn’t mean I forsake my own wants and desires and needs. It just means I look at my husband’s calloused hands before I demand a massage of my own. 

“O Master, Grant that I may never seek
so much to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
and to love, as to love with all my soul.”
– Prayer of St. Francis

This last Tuesday was a really long day. I came home briefly, saw Cody for a hot second, and told him I would be back in 25 minutes. Even though 8pm was approaching and I’d been working for a good 12 hours, I had one last errand to run. When I FINALLY came home for the evening, there was a hot, nutritious meal ready for me, tea waiting for me, and a big bear hug wrapping itself around me. If I had spent the whole day expecting that he’d do all the laundry, keep the house clean, and make dinner, I would have been setting him up for massive failure. He worked all day, too, after all. Instead, I focused on the immediates in front of me and I felt taken care of and forgiven for that day’s flaws. Wow. God’s love manifested indeed.

A quote from our perpetual couple calendar says, “Give 90% of yourself to your spouse and expect only 20% in return.” I scoffed at it the first time I read it because us independent women should have high expectations. But, after almost two years of marriage, I realize that it’s not fair to expect everything of him all the time. We’re not dating any more, where we would have some days apart and he’d have days to plan these extravagant adventures. Instead, we plan together as we weave through the day-to-day blessings of ordinary life, and although this sometimes feels less glamorous and romantic, it is definitely real.

By granting my husband the grace of low expectations, his choice to give of himself then becomes a true gift of sacrificial love.




Year 2, Week 45: Don’t Assume He Can Read Your Mind

I don’t know why women do this. Or maybe it’s not even all women. Maybe it’s just me.

I have a picture of how I’d like Cody to act. Said a different way, I have expectations of what he might do or say that I hope become reality. Example? When I have a big concert coming up, I assume Cody will see the event on our Google calendar and make plans to be there.

But then, that day, if I don’t bring it up and invite him, he probably won’t go.

He would have expected me to communicate my desires with him earlier. That I hadn’t said a peep (even know I brought it up almost every day and brought up stories of me preparing for this concert for a few days now…)

Arrrrghhh. SO frustrating.

Maybe, when we first started dating, I didn’t communicate my desire because I was “testing” to see if he was the ‘right’ guy. That was a failed experiment.

How in the world was Cody supposed to read my mind? He didn’t know me well enough. By not telling him what I wanted and then got mad when he didn’t deliver, I was setting him up for failure.

It’s like asking my students where their project is, getting mad when they don’t have it, and ignoring them when they cry, “But you didn’t even tell us we had homework!”

To which I would reply: Well you should have known, students, by all of my passive-aggressive comments and subtly dropped hints this week that there was going to be a 10 minute presentation from each student today on the beginnings of civilization. Looks like you really messed that one up. Sorry, kid, you fail, for not being a better listener. 

As much as it pains me to be so darn detailed about something I’d love to be a surprise, mysterious expectations are a lose-lose situation. Sure, such explicit communication makes me feel like I’m being demanding when I’m laying out exactly what I’d like, but it makes Cody more than happy to listen and accommodate when he can.

Moral of the story – explicit communication of expectations totally kills any romance, but the reality of peace and security in the relationship is worth it.

Don’t set your partner up for failure. Tell ’em what you want.

Year 2, Week 44: Opposites Don’t Attract Me

In one week’s time, I will spend most of my time sleeping (it’s a priority), about 60 hours at work, and the rest of the time split between hanging out with my husband, myself, or with friends.

When Cody and I hang out, we are usually apart.. together. It makes sense. When we were long distance, he’d be working on his homework, while I was working on mine, but we’d both be on Skype knowing the other is there just in case. Now, he’s working on expanding his small business, while I’m working on my first novel. When we want to be a little more focused, we’ll cook together, or sit down at the dinner table and talk about what happened that day. And, sometimes, when it’s just too hard to have a coherent conversation, we turn on Netflix or Hulu.

I just don’t think our marriage would be as healthy as it is if we didn’t have similar tastes in TV series. Some examples of what we’ve enjoyed watching include Gilmore Girls, The Hart of Dixie, How I Met Your Mother, Once Upon a Time, and Big Bang Theory.

Without getting too much in detail, I simply can’t imagine being with someone who didn’t appreciate the same small-town, big-hearted characters that I love. I think it says a lot about who we are as people, and who we want to be as a couple. We discuss so much of the story lines and their characters after every episode. We often find ourselves in deep discussion based on what we watched earlier.

I know people say “opposites attract,” but with so little time with my best friend, it’s way more fun being attracted to the same things.