Year 2, Week 43: Things Are Going Perfectly

This week, it felt like we were at the beginning of our relationship rather than 9 years and almost 2 years of marriage in, reveling in the beauty of our friendship, the laughter, and the memories being made right now.

Sometimes it’s just easy. I don’t have to wonder or second-guess anything, or ask why something wasn’t put away where it should have been, or be uncomfortable with difficult conversations because the most difficult thing to decide is what kind of ice cream we want for dessert.

Sometimes, it just feels good. It feels right. It feels like no one else on the planet will understand me like he does.

I talk a lot about how relationships require lots of work and maintenance and nurturing. It also takes a lot of work to grow plants and trees. But at some point, you literally get to taste the fruit of your labors.

And, if you’re really lucky, you’ll get this feeling most of the time. And boy, is it sweet.

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