Year 2, Week 35: Life is short; Prioritize

Here’s a relatively unorganized list of our priorities.

  1. Spend quality time with each other. Even though our schedules don’t really align at all, we make time for each other in the beginnings and ends of every single day.
  2. HUGS. Morning hugs, afternoon hugs, before-bed hugs; it doesn’t matter.
  3. Make time for play time. The daily grind is not sustainable, and it ultimately makes us unhappy, so we have to make time to just have some fun. This means weekends should be generally free of self-inflicted, scheduled, sadness.
  4. Live intentionally; don’t live “other people’s lives” just because it’s popular.
  5. Set time aside frequently for friends and family. Bring people together, especially people who don’t know each other already. We try to make community building our “thing.”
  6. Keep a healthy balance of spontaneous and planned living.
  7. Travel! Where to, how long, how we’ll do it, and why.
  8. Make a ridiculous deal out of when the other comes home (i.e. “shaking our tails”). It’s almost stupid how simple, and yet how effective, it is.
  9. Lots of giggling. Tell awful puns.
  10. Read together in bed.
  11. Don’t be afraid to have hard conversations, especially when we’re not sure how we’ll come to an agreement.
  12. Don’t take each other for granted; life is just too short.
  13. Eat clean, exercise, and live a relatively healthy lifestyle.
  14. Don’t binge-watch shows; we delay-gratify the crap out of Netflix.
  15. Make time away from each other! Absence makes the heart grow fonder and sweetens the reunion that much more; recently, it’s been Montana for me and camping trips for Cody (although I did crash the last one.. sorry I’m not sorry).
  16. “Bed Time is the Best Time!”
  17. Show our love through action (e.g. Cody picks up my messes, and I plug in his phone whenever he forgets).
  18. Take concrete actions towards the achievements of our dreams.
  19. Ask the other hard questions. Wait lovingly for the answer.
  20. Pray at the dinner table. Pray again in bed, if it’s been a tough day.

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